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  • 【2024 113學年小一新生增額入學,名額極少。開放線上個別預約報名中】 Wagor Wizarding World The Goblet of Fire 葳格魔法學院 火盃的試煉 2024 Grade One Admittance Activity ...
    by 家長服務處
  • Czech Republic-Fantasy Prague! Mucha's Elegance: Exploring the Beauty of New Art     In 1860, Alfons Maria Mucha was born in southern Moravia, a region in what is now called the Czech Republic. Alfons Maria Mucha's works are deeply rooted in the hearts of Czech nationals and are considered...
    by 教務處
  •     Wagor Elementary School students embarked on an eagerly awaited spring field trip to Lihpao Exploration Park and Flying Cow Ranch. One destination offered an adventurous exploration full of laughter, while the other provided a serene experience close to nature. At Lihpao Park, students...
    by 教務處
  • Wagor Elementary hosted an annual Math Week in order to cultivate students' interest in math. This year, teachers from grades one to five were creative in integrating Harry Potter based themes with holiday assignments. These assignments were successful in making math both fun and practical. Let's delve...
    by 教務處
  • On the afternoon of March 14th, our school's Xitun campus welcomed a special visit from the Taichung City Government’s Shuinan Fire Brigade. They conducted fire safety and evacuation training for fifth-grade students. The training included three parts: An introduction to fire equipment and fire escape...
    by 學務處
  • 開啟奇幻自然大門~跳脫課本框架之特色活動 Every year, we prepare a hands-on Science week activity in the "Science and Life" domain. This year’s activity was based on a proposal by Principal Shen in which a unique large-scale competition was organized for students from grades three...
    by 教務處