2024-04-03, 週三 16:58

Czech Republic-Fantasy Prague! Mucha's Elegance: Exploring the Beauty of New Art

Czech Republic-Fantasy Prague!
Mucha's Elegance: Exploring the Beauty of New Art

    In 1860, Alfons Maria Mucha was born in southern Moravia, a region in what is now called the Czech Republic. Alfons Maria Mucha's works are deeply rooted in the hearts of Czech nationals and are considered treasures of the nation. Dubbed by The New York Times as the "greatest decorative artist in the world," Mucha's position in the art world is unparalleled. He excelled in depicting the beauty of women with his line drawings, which were often accompanied by rich floral backgrounds. This became known as the "Mucha style." His decorative artistry heavily influenced contemporary art and inspired countless artists. In Wagor's art classes, students, guided by their teachers, emulate Mucha's style, creating unique works featuring their own profiles. Through these imitations, they delve into Mucha's artistic world, while integrating their personal styles and characteristics. This process not only pays homage to Mucha, but carries on his artistic legacy as they learn from the master.


    1860年出生於捷克的阿豐斯慕夏(Alfons Maria Mucha),作品深植於捷克國民心中,被視為國寶般珍藏。他更一度被紐約時報冠以「世界上最偉大的裝飾藝術家」的頭銜,其在藝術界的地位堪稱無與倫比。慕夏擅長以線條勾勒女性之美,並以豐富的花卉、植物作為背景,其作品獨具個人風格,裝飾主義色彩濃郁,被譽為「慕夏風」。他的創作風格不僅影響了當代藝術,更引領了後世無數藝術家的仿效與模仿。藝術課程中,葳格的學生們在美術老師的引導下,紛紛效仿慕夏的風格,以自己的側臉為主題,創作出屬於獨一無二的作品。透過仿作,他們深入探索慕夏的藝術世界,並將其個人風格與特色融入其中,不僅使得慕夏的影響得以延續與發展,也是另一種對大師的致敬與學習。

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