Wagor’s Timeless Promise: Shaping a New Era
葳格世紀之約 共創永恆新篇章
2025春酒聯歡饗宴 親師生共譜難忘之夜
Wagor International School hosted a grand spring banquet, uniting 2,000 attendees to celebrate its 25th anniversary in a vibrant atmosphere.
The event featured generous prize draws, a lavish feast, and a surprise finale with dollar-filled balloons. Outstanding faculty members and long-serving staff were honored for their dedication. Founder Tom Yuan reaffirmed the group's commitment to international education, while Executive Director Sabrina Wu announced the launch of the Changhua Lukang campus. Special guest YouTuber and Wagor alumni, Peggy Chen, captivated the audience with her seamless bilingual hosting. Stay tuned for video highlights showcasing the incredible performances of our talented teachers and students!
近2000人的Party現場,葳格人頂著自己校區的代表色(西屯-綠色奇蹟)盛裝出席、熱力全開,不想尖叫都很難! 在歡笑與感動中,我們不僅見證了葳格從創立至今,25年來的輝煌故事,更在屬於我們的舞台,展現身為國際教育工作者的實力與驕傲。
特別恭喜小學部西屯校區的副校長張銀平、國際校區的教學組長Sandy Wu,以及小學部北屯校區的科學老師Mike Honda榮獲本年度的MVE最佳員工獎, 今年在葳格服務滿20年的夥伴有9位;服務滿10年的夥伴有18位。
這次春酒的另一位特別嘉賓,就是有「最美英文老師」之稱,經營《Peggy Fo Show》YouTube頻道的Peggy Chen 她和弟弟讀的「雙語學校」就是葳格,重回母校挑下主持大樑,中英雙語切換流暢,迷倒台下觀眾,大家一秒變粉絲!