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  • 【2025 小一新生體驗營】號外!號外!號外!!! 2025 唯一「兩 」場,儘速上網填報.... The Chronicles of Narnia The Enchanted World Behind the Wardrobe 葳格.納尼亞傳奇魔衣櫥後的奇幻世界 2025 Grade One Admission Activities ▲ 線上報名 https://xtp.wagor.tc.edu.tw/Admittance2025/...
    by 家長服務處
  • 納尼亞之巔 榮耀葳格【精選影片】 Wagor’s campus transformed into the magical kingdom of Narnia, awakening the knights and dreams within every child. Amid anticipation, the grand 2024 Sports Day began, celebrating glory and adventure. Students, representing various grades, showcased spirit...
    by 學務處
  • 走入納尼亞的魔幻世界     今年的小一學生,在多元闖關這天將帶領所有人進入一個引人入勝的冒險故事,每一關卡都考驗小小魔法師的觀察力、合作力和語文能力,讓孩子們在遊戲中動腦、動手,也透過故事中的挑戰培養創意思維和語言表達能力。...
    by 教務處
  • 原來萬聖節可以跟你想的不一樣! 葳格萬聖.納尼亞之夜 暢遊奇幻異世界 夜色中,戶外露天電影院靜靜等待著大家的到來。在這樣的星空之下,觀賞經典電影絕對是別具風味的體驗,讓人彷彿真的置身於異世界的魔法森林中。...
    by 家長服務處
  • 開箱葳格教學超強實力 OPEN HOUSE, OPEN MINDS  It's Wagor's traditional Open House event! It's a fantastic opportunity for parents to step inside the classroom and gain an in-depth understanding of their child's learning experience. ...
    by 家長服務處
  •         Taiwan is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, experiencing thousands of earthquakes each year, ranging in magnitude. While most are too mild to be felt, the 921 Earthquake on September 21, 1999, stands as one of the most impactful in Taiwan's modern history, with a magnitude...
    by 學務處