2019-11-15, 週五 12:39

2019 Halloween - Resident Evil at Wagor 萬聖節-葳格惡靈古堡


On a spooky night in October, scary furry animals, zombies, ghosts, and monsters gathered at the Wagor Xitun campus for our annual Halloween Party. Over 3,000 people, including students from the Wagor elementary school, Kindergarten, WISE and all their parents, enjoyed playing games at our fun Halloween stations designed and hosted by our dedicated teachers. They also visited the eerie Wagor Haunted House.


The theme for this year was “Resident Evil at Wagor”. The whole school was decorated according to the Resident Evil movies. You could find scenes from the movies everywhere.  There was even a guillotine on the stage of the Spanish Square for everyone to take pictures. 

葳格小學將西方文化融入校園的語言教學中,也為讓葳格的孩子們能感受到西洋節慶的氣氛,今年的主題是【Resident Evil at Wagor 葳格惡靈古堡】,校園中充斥著各種鬼怪喪屍,遊走校園大肆搞怪,還有應景的布置等著大家來留影,更可以尋找傳說中的斷頭台與斯巴達喪屍一同入鏡!!!

First and second graders wore Halloween costumes to go trick or treating to various classrooms, offices, the library, and the principal’s office. The happily sang, “Trick-or Treat” to the teachers and their classmates. To integrate cross-cultural teaching and language learning while encouraging students to learn about Halloween, Wagor Elementary School - Xitun campus arranged a series of fun Halloween activities for our students in October.  From the beginning of October, students, teachers and parents worked together to decorate the classrooms. During the writing classes, students did some descriptive informative writing and wrote stories about Halloween. In iWagor classes, students created Halloween emojis and comics, recorded videos, and wrote tongue-twisters on iPads as a means of engaging their learning and providing the technological skills needed for students to develop their own unique projects. 

學校亦規劃一、二年級的不給糖就搗蛋活動(Trick or Treat),在Trick or Treat的活動中,孩子們穿著精心設計的服裝穿梭在各個教室、辦公室、圖書館、甚至校長室之間,他們可愛的妝扮與笑容,快樂的笑聲以及”Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat….”的歌聲充滿在葳格校園的每個角落。在Writing課中,孩子們撰寫了有關萬聖節的故事。在培養科技素養的iWagor課中,孩子們發揮他們的藝術天分與學到的科技技能透過各種應用程式,創造了個專屬自己的萬聖節表情貼圖漫畫影片與英文繞口令。自十月中起各班便開始了班上的萬聖節佈置,藉由孩子、家長與老師的巧思與巧手,葳格校園籠罩萬聖節恐不詭譎的氣氛。

Principal Shen said that it is essential to understand the culture when learning a language. This is the reason that cultural thematic teaching and activities are planned in our curricula and school calendar. This also helps to broaden our students’ world view.



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