2019-10-01, 週二 13:59

Earthquake emergency evacuation drills. 921防震總動員!


Earthquake Emergency Evacuation Drills


“Ding~ding~ding~ It’s an emergency! Open the door and turn off the lights immediately!”


There was an earthquake drill at 9:21 AM at Wagor Elementary - XiTun campus on September 20th. During the one-minute siren, students followed the survival instructions that they had been taught. They knew that in such an emergency, they should, “Drop”, “Cover”, and “Hold on” to protect themselves and avoid the danger of falling objects that might injure them.


September 21st is National Disaster Prevention Day. This year, our campus held an earthquake evacuation drill in order to familiarize our students with the evacuation process on September 20th. By the end of the drill, all of our students, guided by their teachers along their predetermined evacuation routes, had safely and efficiently evacuated the building and assembled in the designated safety zone. After that, Principal Shen reminded the students that Taiwan is located in the Pacific Rim earthquake zone, and many earthquakes occur every year. The natural disaster that was experienced across the island on 9/21 is just one example of the devastation that can be caused by a powerful earthquake. He added that when we experience an earthquake, it is essential to remain calm and not panic, while keeping an appropriate sense of urgency. Otherwise, we might add to the chaos and confusion which would increase our chances of being seriously injured. He also reminded our students of the usefulness of the three-step, “Drop, cover, and hold on”, strategy.


Based on the success of this evacuation drill, our hope is that, in the event of an actual natural disaster, our students will be able to calmly follow proper evacuation procedures in an orderly manner to avoid danger.

As always, Wagor places a great deal of emphasis on safety in a multitude of possible real life situations. Preparation, experience, and a common understanding of the correct self-preservation techniques are part of our formula for protecting what matters the most; the health and security of our students.


噹~噹~噹~現在發生緊急事件,請各位同學立即開門、關電….。早上9:21分西屯校區小學部響起了地震警報,大約一分鐘的警報聲中,學生依照指示,以蹲低(Drop)、掩護(Cover)、穩住(Hold On)等動作進行地震發生時的自我防護,以預防因地震發生致使室內物品倒塌而造成危險或身體受傷。


校長在最後提醒全校小朋友,臺灣地處環太平洋地震帶上,每年都會發生非常多地震,921大地震就是一個例子。而在遇到地震時一定要先保持冷靜,切莫慌亂,才能避免因混亂而造成不必要身體傷害,並減少生命或物品的損害。而抗震保命三步驟:趴下(Drop)、掩護(Cover)、穩住(Hold On),就是在地震發生時第一時間保護自己的主要要領。



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