2021-09-22, 週三 17:47

Remember 3 Safety Tips to Stay Calm during an Annual Earthquake Drill 熟悉趴掩穩,遇震不驚魂!


每年921日為國家防災日,今年921恰逢中秋連假,全國統一提前於917日進行大規模的防震演練。917日上午9:21小學部響起了地震警報,學生依照指示,操作趴下(Drop)、掩護(Cover)、穩住(Hold On)的防震動作,以便在發生地震時,可以在最短的時間內,爭取到對自己最有利保護,並避免嚴重的傷害發生。







Remember 3 Safety Tips to Stay Calm during an Annual Earthquake Drill


The 22nd anniversary of a massive earthquake that devastated central Taiwan on September 21st, 1999, was held on Tuesday. Over the years, through careful planning and practicing of emergency procedures, our school has developed its capabilities to help students respond more quickly and automatically when the shaking begins. This year, due to the pandemic, Grade 1 students and their teachers practiced 3 safety tips and then evacuated the building according to the school’s disaster plan, while Grade 2 to Grade 6 students reviewed and demonstrated the tips in the classroom. This standard drill and evacuation used simple steps to demonstrate to all teachers and students how to carry out “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” – a quake‐safe action designed to protect lives and prevent injuries from falling furniture and flying objects that can become projectiles during ground shaking. Keep calm and don’t panic during an earthquake!




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