2020-06-23, 週二 11:55

Get Adrenaline Flowing!


Get Adrenaline Flowing!


The “Last Lesson at Wagor” Event Challenges Graduates to Push Their Limits



             葳格國際學校小學部今天的校園裡,熱鬧又帶有挑戰的氣氛,學校為應屆畢業生舉辦畢業系列活動「葳格的最後一堂課-突破自我」,相較不少學校因疫情影響而縮小規模或取消部分儀式,葳格國際學校小學部安排「葳格起飛 無際翱翔」畢業活動,孩子從普魯士攀登、高空滑索、泡泡足球,強調接受挑戰,突破自我,活動充滿刺激的氣氛,場面相當熱烈,也使應屆畢業生對專屬自己的畢業活動留下深刻印象。

There was an air of exhilaration and excitement on the day of the “Last Lesson at Wagor—Make a Personal Breakthrough” at Wagor Elementary School - Xitun Campus. This elaborate event was arranged by the Students’ Affairs Office to motivative all the 2020 graduates to bravely face an unpredictable future and to meet any challenge. On this special day, grade six students enjoyed a series of activities: Prusik Climbing, Zip Line Adventure, and a Bubble Bump Football Game. These lively activities were met with exclamations of surprise and excitement. The threat of the COVID-19 virus, resulted in many schools canceling or scaling back on parts of their regular graduation events or the ceremony itself. Wagor International Elementary School - Xitun Campus went against the tide with an innovative graduation event which included eye-popping, hair-raising activities. 


The principal of Wagor Elementary School, Shen Yueh-Ching, wished to make a memorable impression on all the graduates, so he invited the Students’ Affairs team to plan a different kind of graduation ceremony and a series of events with the theme of “Wagor - Take Flight, Infinite Sky!”


Of all the activities, the Zip Line Adventure garnered the most novel reactions. When the coach asked students to leap from the roof of a tall building, it allowed the students to step out of their safe, familiar, comfortable and predictable environment. Quick as a flash, students slid about 50 meters distance in less than 10 seconds! That speedy experience has a deeper meaning; It is just like our Chinese idiom states, “Time flies as if a white colt flits past a fissure.” This act symbolized how time flies and encouraged students to cherish their youth. 

               畢業生們在Wagor Wonderland大樹下與足球場進行「普魯士攀登」、「高空滑索」、「泡泡足球」等一連串的闖關活動,孩子們體驗高空垂降、滑降體驗與團隊遊戲,不受疫情影響,畢業生獲得了最難忘且感動的畢業典禮。 

By taking part in these new experiences and challenges, the graduates were able to embrace unique emotions, foster teamwork, learn survival skills, and create wonderful memories all in one day. The pandemic did not have a negative impact on Wagor’s 2020 graduation festivities. Quite the opposite, Wagor provided an unforgettable graduation event for the graduates!


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