2019-06-25, 週二 11:08

Wagor, Travel Around the World! 葳格小學第十七屆星光畢業典禮


Since May, Wagor International School – Xitun Campus hosted a series of activities including the graduates’ trip, Best Wishes for Graduates, A Letter to My 15-year-old Self, and Xiao Qing-Yang’s Lecture, among others. During the 17th graduation ceremony for the class of 2018, the graduates presented performances relating to the theme of “Wagor, Travel Around the World!” by demonstrating their experiences of different tasks at school. The event was held in the International Banquet Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14th, 2019. Some honorable guests from various professional fields and the graduates’ parents were invited to enjoy this wonderful event together.


English education at Wagor is well-known in Taichung. Wagor is the first school to provide Learning Center and iWagor curriculums. We provide diverse English education in diversity. The graduation drama is a very good example. During this year graduation, we provided an opportunity for the graduates to integrate their logical and linguistic knowledge with their performances and dancing skills. The foreign teachers and ESL teachers led the students in this performance with Disney World Travel as the theme. During the performances, the students learned about teamwork and the value of using this skill in the future. They applied their real life experiences to the drama to create a Waogr Broadway style show.


The principal of our elementary school, Shen, Yueh-Ching expressed that it was a blessing for the graduates and their parents to work together to make the props and costumes. Our homeroom teachers also inspired and encouraged them throughout the process. The graduates spent almost one month on preparations, such as doing rehearsals, making music, and practicing dancing. The best part of the entire preparation process was when the children were able to focus more on their passion and camaraderie with their fellow classmates than on creating fancy props and costumes for the show.

5月以來,安排了一系列畢業系列活動,包括畢業旅行、全校祝福繪馬、未來信件、蕭青陽大師開講…等,更安排了「畢業英文戲劇」校內公演活動,由畢業生對在校學弟妹展現苦練成果作為經驗傳承,第17屆的畢業公演英語劇-Wagor, Travel Around the World !」,2019 614日(星期五)下午六點假國際會議中心盛大開演,典禮特地邀請各界先進到場與葳格國際學校西屯校區小學部所有畢業生家長共同參與及分享這個難得的盛會。

葳格素以優異的英文教學馳名台中,校內獨創Learning CenteriWagor課程採分組英文教學,讓每一個葳格的孩子使用英文來學習每一項科目,而在高年級的畢業公演,更是在統整語言、邏輯、表演、舞蹈等各項孩子需要的能力上,給予最紮實的英文與多元教學,在小學部外師、中導與ESL導師指導帶領下,以迪士尼環遊世界作為本系畢業生畢業前的最後盛宴。藉舞台表演了解到團結、勇氣,深刻體會國際化是未來的趨勢,以最原汁原味的寫實場景及臨場,帶領葳格的家長們進入華麗的葳格百老匯,發揮紮實的英文與跨領域教學,體驗截然不同的感官享受。





葳格畢業典禮展現英文力 公演唱遊五大洲

葳格小學別出心裁 設計大師蕭青陽來開講










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