2020-07-08, 週三 14:31

葳格星光畢業典禮 提著行囊勇闖世界

A series of graduation events including Congratulatory Message Tiles, Time Capsule Memories, A Letter of Thanks to Parents, and The Last Lesson at Wagor were exclusively designed for the 2020 graduates of Wagor International Elementary School. Those sensational events made a strong impression on all the graduates. Besides these thrilling events, a visual art display which featured a large suitcase and world famous landmarks was given a prominent position at Xitun Campus as a photo backdrop. The graduation announcement and invitations for 2020 were also designed with an image of a suitcase. This is symbolic of parents’ wishes for the graduates to let their dreams take flight and exceed expectations. Furthermore, Wagor International School collected and recorded all the kind regards and congratulatory wishes from parents in an audio file. Playing the well wishes before the commencement event was unexpected, and it was a surprising gift for all the graduates.


        The commencement began with a splendid runway catwalk which was choreographed by the sixth grade teachers. Parents and guests were dazzled by the fantastic visual and sound effects reminiscent of a Broadway performance. The award proceedings and certificate presentations took place on the stage concurrently. One by one, the graduates were spot lit on the stage while a time-lapse of their six-year school journey was projected behind them on a huge screen. How much each child grew, and how fast six years passed!


        Teachers’ Greetings made up the second part of the ceremony. These clips offered encouragement to each graduate to take up challenges and make their own personal breakthroughs in life. After that, a heart-warming speech was given by seven graduates. Their speech focused on the theme of taking flight. It was a retrospection of the history of flight, starting with the first flight made by the Wright Brothers. The dreams of those pioneers in the aerial age was projected onto all Wagorians. A resounding round of applause from all the guests and parents for the seven graduate representatives was heard at the end of their speech. As is tradition, the commencement ended with a long, deep bow from the graduates to thank all the teachers and parents who have taken so much care of them.


        The principal of Xitun Campus, Shen Yueh-Ching, pointed out that we maintained epidemic prevention measures at our commencement by carrying out name registrations and temperature checks, while brightening our commencement with a stylish of “Walk of Fame” and a unique individual presentation procedure. Wagor International School has achieved fame for its unique English teaching as a result of its innovative curriculum which includes Hands-on Learning and iWagor classes. Our grade six students are capable of integrating their English language ability, logical thinking, and film editing skills to create their own retrospective school life documentary. English acquisition is solidified by these kinds of multi-instructional activities.

小學部西屯校區沈月清校長表示,今年畢業活動因為疫情關係,除了落實體溫檢測與實名()制外,為了不讓今年應屆畢業生的畢業典禮失色,特地規畫不同於以往的畢業儀式,讓每位畢業生一一接受畢業證書與畢業獎項,證明自己成長茁壯的象徵。葳格素以優異的英文教學馳名台中,校內獨創Learning CenteriWagor課程採分組英文教學,讓每一個葳格的孩子使用英文來學習每一項科目,而高年級的畢業活動更是在統整語言、邏輯、影像剪輯等各項孩子需要的能力上,給予最紮實的英文與多元教學,創造出屬於孩子專屬的回憶行囊影片。


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