2021-05-21, 週五 14:22

Learning Never Stops in a Pandemic

充滿汗水與淚水的感動 葳格遠距照表操課不停學

Like many others, we’re anxious about what the coming months will bring and how that will affect all of us. But we’re also hopeful! For many of us, it’s been a struggle. Kids learning at home and parents trying to work from home is not an easy combination. Despite all the challenges Wagor International School and all of our teachers and staff are laser-focused on ensuring that our students will continue to learn and thrive despite this new reality. Our school has turned to technology as a mechanism for continued learning, and access to devices and reliable connectivity play an integral role in bridging the digital divide. Thankfully, our steadfast teachers are stepping up and offering their incredible support and patience to make distance learning successful. We also want to thank all our students’ parents for their continued support and confidence in our vision. Your words of appreciation keep us motivated during these challenging times!
Stay safe and healthy!

葳格孩子多年前開啟iWagor課程使用iPad載具進行課程學習,加上疫情因素學校便開始進行遠距教學準備,讓老師們在學校,即便教室無學生狀況下,仍能透過iPad、筆電與桌機的支援下同步授課,不管Reading、Writing、Phonics、Science、Social Science、Math、國語、數學、自然、社會、美術與體育課程等絕不馬虎,無縫接軌課程讓孩子在家同步的學習,完全不會有阻礙不斷電!
在這疫情嚴峻的時間,葳格有一群默默堅守崗位守護者,第一天從準備到當天即時上線,教師們無不卯足心力完成這備戰許久的防疫戰役。為了讓葳格的孩子們「停課不停學」,教師們從早到晚備課、上課、再備課,提供線上學習的課程內容與輔助資源給孩子們。 葳格超強教師與堅強行政團隊以最大的教學熱忱,用心守護葳格每個孩子。

在此感謝家長們給予葳格的支援和信任,葳格會繼續努力,與電腦另一端的孩子與家長們一同度過這艱困的時期,我們 5月31日 等孩子們回到校園唷!

感動篇 https://www.facebook.com/wagor.primary/videos/917614372355933/
學生篇 https://www.facebook.com/wagor.primary/posts/814427695845378
教師篇 https://www.facebook.com/wagor.primary/posts/813844165903731