2021-11-29, 週一 18:29

Wagor International School-Elementary School(Xitun Campus) 2021 Annual Sports Day!

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而今年開幕活動中,以課後舞蹈社團精彩的彩球表演拉開序幕,加上街舞校隊,透過動感瑪利歐主題旋律表演,搭配著整齊劃一的動作,更展現出了舞動的力與美。之後,再由小學部西屯校區黃德宇老師指導的全體二年級小朋友,表演今年的重頭戲大會舞-LOVE WAGOR FOREVER以經典歌曲搭配輕快可愛的舞步,更是將整個運動會的氣氛炒到了最高潮!






On a bright, windy Saturday morning, our spirited Wagor leopard mascot and Super Mario started the official opening of our Sports Day. They took the field to the tune of the classical Super Mario theme, and Mario ignited the torch. The Continuing Education Department Dance Club and the School’s Street Dancing team were invited to perform before the events began. The former showed off their dynamic pom-pom dance and cheerleading skills while the latter demonstrated vigorous freestyle dance moves. After that, the second graders, led by Mr. Huang, performed the opening Love Wagor Forever dance with high spirits. These performances ensured that our students felt happy and confident, and motivated them to try their very best in the competition. We firmly believe that once students are in a positive frame of mind, they can do their best!


Principal Guo indicated at the opening that the school is striving to offer the best learning environment for students. The pandemic may have influenced the school’s routines but learning never stops at Wagor. Finally, the president of the Parent Committee, Mr. Huang, encouraged all students to pursue their dreams, and at the same time, pay attention to their mental and physical health during this phase of learning.





1.https://youtu.be/mNShulBB55I     運動會精彩畫面集錦

2.https://youtu.be/mtEuFLBnLDw     大會舞精彩回顧



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