2022-11-23, 週三 10:23


Annual Sports Day 2022

Wagor International Elementary School celebrated its 20th anniversary on November 19th during its annual Sports Day. In keeping with this year’s theme, the Wizard of Oz, many performances were inspired by Dorothy and her friends. The guests were treated to some dancing, fencing, and cheerleading. These amazing performances were all courtesy of Wagor’s Continuing Education Department. To round off the performances, all the grade 2 classes danced to the Football World Cup theme song. Following the speeches, a surprise was brought to the middle of the football field. Students and parents alike were in awe of the large birthday cake balloon. Little did they know, it was going to explode with many colorful balloons. This sent first graders and fourth graders rushing to the field holding balloons.

After the opening ceremony, several classes engaged in fun Sport’s Day activities. These included three-legged races, jump rope competitions, and relay races. During the ceremony, many of our esteemed guests gave moving speeches and well-wishes. Wagor International School has proven itself to be unique in its outstanding quality of education, while also giving the best care to its students.


開幕式熱場表演首先登場的是本校高中部儀隊表演,儀隊學長姊們透過整齊劃一的動作,結合美感的槍法表演搭配隊形變化,排列出年輕、活力有氣勢的隊形,為校慶揭開序幕。接著上場表演的是本校街舞校隊,將本屆運動會主題The Wizard of OZ「愛與勇氣」以話劇融入舞蹈的模式,展現出了舞動的力與美。緊接著的是本校擊劍校隊選手,以雄赳赳、氣昂昂的擊劍招式,搭配動感舞曲,散發出氣勢如虹的活力,最後登場的是推廣部課程啦啦舞蹈,以創新的編排方式將芭蕾舞融合啦啦隊舞的表演,更是讓現場嘉賓眼睛為之一亮。


開幕活動中最讓人驚豔的就是當大蛋糕出現會場,同時一學年群與四學年群的小朋友手持五彩繽紛的氣球緩緩走到場中央,一切就緒後將蛋糕切開的時刻,藏好的氣球與學生手中的氣球同時升空的瞬間,在場的每位嘉賓、家長及小朋友齊聲祝賀西屯校區20歲「生 日 快 樂~~~~~」,大家目送著氣球徐徐向天空飄揚,共同分享這份成長的喜悅與感動。



最後,家長會會長洪義凱先生代表家委會與志工致詞時特別提到,希望藉校慶運動會的機會,親師們協同努力,傾聽孩子的需要,讓家長委員會成為學校最強而有力的後盾,成就葳格孩子們的夢想與未來。 DSC3182001IMG 9463 s001 DSC3495001D3S 7386001D3S 7396001IMG 9672 s001D3S 7413001